Feel the Feels: Emotions are Information

Shiny happy people holding hands,

shiny happy people holding hands,

shiny happy people laughing.

~ R E M

I’m an eternal optimist, but I certainly don’t feel like a shiny happy person every day. Despite my own issues with depression, my deep seeded curiosity about the curves in the road ahead has kept me driving forward. When I was younger, I hit some of these turns at 60mph when the warning signs would have told me 20mph. I’ve skidded, spun around, fallen down, and scrapped my knees. Occassionally, I’ve been swept under by tidal waves. The beauty all this has brought is that happiness, or truly joy, can sit with me and hold me while I tumble.

I no longer need happiness to be some endless euphoria. In fact, I absolutely do not believe that that is what happiness truly is. So now I allow myself to ride the waves of emotion and come back to a place of homeostasis. At this phase of life I think it is imperative to feel and acknowledge our emotions.

Emotions are information. They are here to guide me and remind me what I’m here on earth in this human suit to pursue.

Envy shows me what I want. When I envy someone it demonstrates that what I crave exists. AND even better yet, that if it’s possible for someone else to attain, it is possible for me.

Heartbreak reveals how deeply it is possible for me to love someone. It also strikes me with awe that no matter how many dopplegangers we have out there, the way I feel to loose you is that you are completely irreplaceable. There is no one else like you.

Anger tells me how important something is to me. That I have passion. That I care.

Frustration pulls me aside when I’m off course or focusing my attention where it need not be.

Bitterness reminds me to look for something sweeter.

Sadness shows me all the beauty in the world with its soft contrast and overcast hues. It makes my heart long and reminds me that I am human.

My ability to dance with the feelings and find my way back to center is how I measure my happiness. My goal during this dance is, hopefully, to not step on anyone else’s toes. Recognizing that my feelings say more about me than any others. Then, honoring for myself that if someone keeps stepping on my toes, I’m allowed to walk away.

Happiness and even #gettingwhatfeelsgood are not static. They are waves in this ocean. And I am grateful for my opportunity to float.

How are your feelings guiding you today?

xo Laura Blaise