Manifesting Generator: Perspectives of a Seemingly Crazy Person

Human Design is the contract your soul makes with the Universe about who you came to be, what you came to experience and what karma you came to correct.

~ Jenna Zoe

If you haven’t heard of Human Design, now you know. Basically, it’s a mix of astrology, Kabbalah tree of life, and the Chinese I’Ching. To me it’s a suuuuuuuuper helpful tool to understand myself better. Here’s why: I’m what’s called a Manifesting Generator (spoiler alert: this has nothing to do with being able to “manifest” things) and it has given me the opportunity to forgive myself for what I used to consider my shortcomings. Primarily my “instability”.

The first thing to look at in Human Design is the five main energy types. In astrology you could compare this to your sun sign. It gives the basic overall definition of how you interact with the world. The energy types are: Manifesting Generator, Manifestor, Generator, Projector, & Reflector. Don’t get hung up on the titles. All types can “manifest”. To find your Human Design chart you need your time & location of birth as well as your birthdate. can generate your chart. To learn more about Human Design I highly recommend and any of her youtube videos. She is phenomenal!

So back to the crazy people. The Manifesting Generators (MG’s). I call us crazy because we are regularly overcome with desires, interests, and passions to pursue which cause us to constantly change course. To those around us we look very unstable at times. Our loved ones just want the best for us, but most can’t understand why we change so often or even why we get paralyzed at choosing any course at all.

We go down rabbit holes and even start businesses, then without warning we completely loose interest in those exact same pursuits. This can be frustrating to all of us. But here’s the thing: WE ARE SUPPOSED TO DO THIS. Our forays into various avenues are feeding us and brining us to the next thing. No matter how non-linear it looks. Often we are gathering skills to use later & to use in inventive ways, though we don’t usually know just where exactly these flights of fancy are directing us. Our souls chose to explore the world in this way. It’s how we are made, we picked it, and it’s part of our adventure. Essentially, we’ve pre-programmed our human-level selves to help our soul-level selves achieve their desires.

A few years ago, when I was working as a makeup artist on film sets while getting my Pilates certification and nannying (my 3 favoritest tiny humans on the planet), I realized that I am simply an experience collector. I was grateful to myself for the first time for this very non-linear life I’ve been living. In allowing myself to change careers (multiple times) and explore, I’ve met the most wonderful people. Reflecting and laughing at the diversity of my day, it comforted me to honor myself in following my impulses. In the past, I’ve felt a lot of pressure in society to pick a path and stay on it. This has led me to some of my lowest points.

I’ve also struggled with a deep fear of becoming trapped. Trapped in a job. Trapped in a location. And even trapped in a relationship. My soul craves freedom. This fear has led to paralysis, especially while I was in college. Not to mention, I ended up in the Emergency Room three times in the two weeks before my graduation. I truly think I had an inadvertent death wish. I didn’t know how I was going to move forward into the world. I was good at school and it fed my desires to explore many topics at once. I was paralyzed at the idea of picking one path to go down. Afraid it would be the wrong path and, worse, that I couldn’t be successful without going down a singular path.

My heart’s truest desire post-graduation was to move to Australia for a year. Grow my hair way too long, get a laptop so I could Skype with my family, and go live on the Gold Coast. Meet people. Sit at bars. Just find enough income to subsist for a year. I didn’t have the funds to get that plane ticket, so instead I took a job in the home remodeling and construction industry. I was a professional toilets salesperson. Which is still my favorite thing I’ve been able to say to strangers at the bar. Stranger: What do you do? Me: I sell toilets . . . and you? It’s actually a great conversation starter. Even if you’ve never sold a toilet, I dare you to use that next time someone asks you what you do.

Now you’re starting to get a flavor of my lack of career path. I don’t think you could even pay me $1 million to care about my resume. I just don’t have it in me. If you’re identifying with what I’m saying, there’s a good chance you are an MG too. Welcome to the club!!

Manifesting Generators get constant downloads to check things out. To pursue and to learn. To play. That’s the manifesting part of the energy. The tricky part is combining this impulsive energy with the generator energy. Generators are supposed to find the things, or work, that light them up and dig into it. I picture generator energy coming up through the ground, going up through their feet, and powering them in their pursuits. So, MG’s are here to change course, to bring unexpected ideas together, to be playful and to show the rest of the types that there are alternative paths. We demonstrate that we all can use joy to guide us rather than resumes. (There’s nothing wrong with resumes . . . they just don’t suit the MG’s). We need to follow the downloads and dive into the rabbit holes, but then we need to stop, drop, and roll when it’s no longer lighting us up. We need to keep moving and we tend to move a lot.

There’s a lot of elements at play in learning about your Human Design. For this brief MG synopsis, my hope is to gift you the freedom to change your sails and to know it is not just OK, but, frankly, it is imperative to do so. My personal mission is to get human Laura’s desires in line with her soul’s desires. If you feel called to do the same, then be kind to yourself. Be gentle, follow your curiosity, and don’t let the linear path of the mainstream outlook on life tie you down.

Stop judging yourself and the judgments of others will fall to your way side.

With love from one seemingly crazy person to all others, crazy or not.

xo Laura Blaise